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Additionality is a vital piece of the carbon project puzzle that deems a project certifiable by the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program. It’s a term used to refer to a project that would not have been able to occur without the existence of the carbon credit program. sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin is considered to have additionality based on the increased thoughtfulness expected of existing logging operations when harvesting trees for timber, to meet the requirements of the VCS.

Logging operations have been active in what are now the project areas for two decades. Up until this point, they have typically removed trees from the most easily accessible areas within the Timber Supply Areas (the primary management units used by the Government of Saskatchewan for the allocation of timber harvest, land-use licensing, and harvest volume schedules) for convenience and budgetary restrictions regardless of the impact to local land users, the ecosystem, the age of the trees, and how it will affect the regeneration of the forest.


The Denare Beach project area is located within the Mee-Toos Forest Products Ltd. licensed Timber Supply Area designated for commercial forest land use.

Net Ha: 120,192

Min (tCO2e/yr): 98,000

By introducing IFM techniques, these logging operations will now conduct their activities with consideration of the long-term ecosystem protection measures the project necessitates, like harvesting mature timber first (if there’s no Traditional reason not to) regardless of how far into the TSA those trees are. What’s more, as a registered IFM, sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin will be able to invest in data management and project planning to offset the additional costs of meeting VCS requirements. This mutually beneficial relationship between responsible resource management practices and economic strengthening represents the best of what IFM additionality can offer.


The Pelican Narrows project area is located within the Mee-Toos Forest Products Ltd. licensed Timber Supply Area designated for commercial forest land use.

Net Ha:  TBC

Min (tCO2e/yr): TBC


The first step toward becoming a certified Improved Forest Management project with the jurisdiction to generate and sell carbon credits is proving that the project area can feasibly meet the standards of the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program. Climate Smart has spent the last six years conducting meticulous feasibility studies of each community’s project area.

The maps and stats on this page represent each of the four participating PBCN communities’ total project area in hectares (Ha), as well as the minimum tonnes of carbon dioxide per year that those land areas are expected to store or remove. Every tonne of CO₂ stored or removed represents one carbon credit.


The Sandy Bay project area is located within the Mee-Toos Forest Products Ltd. licensed Timber Supply Area designated for commercial forest land use.

Net Ha: TBC

Min (tCO2e/yr): TBC

These carefully selected project areas are guided by the principles of sustainability toward ecosystem balance. Moving forward, Climate Smart will continue to conduct feasibility studies, monitoring the project areas to ensure the activities are well-informed, environmentally responsible, and aligned with the aspirations of PBCN’s community members.


The Sturgeon Landing project area is located within the Mee-Toos Forest Products Ltd., Weyerhaeuser Company Ltd., and Dunkley Lumber Ltd. licensed Timber Supply Area, and the Porcupine-Pasqua Forest Management Agreement (FMA) designated for commercial forest land use.

Net Ha: 67,633

Min (tCO2e/yr): 55,000

This image was taken of the project area using a state-of-the-art remote sensing technology called LiDAR.


sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin possesses the tools and techniques necessary to remain active in the monitoring of the project area, modelling appropriate optimizations of the land before taking any physical action. This process not only maximizes the sequestration capacity of the forest, but also serves to recognize areas demonstrating wildfire risk factors, allowing the project team to intervene before a high-risk area becomes a true threat.

Potential carbon credit buyers will be able to access the live monitoring of the project areas. This measure of transparency assures buyers of the ecological enhancement and community impacts that increase the monetary and holistic value of the work.

North East TSA

This image, taken by satellite technology, represents the total project area across all four PBCN communities.

Net Ha: TBC

Min (tCO2e/yr): TBC


North America-based Improved Forest Management (IFM) projects display remarkable resilience in the global carbon offset market, which can see frequent fluctuations. Based on three independent broker quotes collected over the course of 2023, it’s estimated that carbon credits from North American IFMs comparable to sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin are currently trading at a substantial premium. The price can vary depending on supply and demand, the age of the project, the longevity of the project, and how significant of an impact the project will make on local communities.

sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin is a project primed to trade at top market value thanks to countless desirable traits, including but not limited to:

  • Use of a gold-standard credit verifier (VCS) that has infamously stringent expectations for project verification;
  • Launch following an increase of regulations for IFMs, meaning sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin must be even more diligent in its environmental protections practices than projects launched prior to the regulations increase;
  • Commitment to a Seven Generations Development Model;
  • Significant additionality initiatives that will tangibly improve living conditions for Indigenous and rural communities; and
  • Total First Nations ownership and operation framework.


Mitigating climate change is a necessary mission that must be taken on across the globe. As this urgency is taken into more serious consideration by governments and corporations, sakâhk papakîtitâmôwin offers buyers the opportunity to not only demonstrate ethical and environmentally-responsible operations, but to make a promising investment that will have tangible impacts on Indigenous communities and their lands.

North American credit value stability